Friday, October 19, 2012

The Dust Bowl...

Well, my unit has made it to Afghanistan... Everyone is here, but we had to send someone home early because the death of his 4 year old son. Please keep him in your prayers. He's not coming back over here with us.

I'm living in a tent with 4 other females. We are all getting along very well. Myself and one other of the females work on Camp Pratt and the others work on Camp Marmal. Camp Marmal is the bigger base that houses all the other foreign nationals that are here. Camp Marmal is run mostly by Germans.. and I tell you what, those German men are pretty handsome!!! :)

Camp Pratt is still being built so there isn't much over here. But the journey to Camp Marmal is only about 20 minutes and we take shuttle buses to and from. The Mongolians are in charge of letting people in and out of Camp Marmal. They're all really nice and I always wave and they wave back. There are a lot of local Afghans that work all around Pratt. I've been told that most of them hate the Taliban because the Taliban killed their families. I think it's great the the Government is helping them get work. They are very hard workers and work 12+ hours a day.

It' gets dark around 530/6 pm and gets light around 6 am. It's starting to get chilly out there too. We have some mountains right outside our tents and they are so pretty to see. I'm hoping to post pictures sometime soon!

I will write more again soon... I am trying to have a skype date :)

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